Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Squiggle Eyebrows Take Over Social Media!

First there was the Ice Bucket Challenge, and who could forget the Great Dress Debate of 2015; so what’s this year’s social media trend? Well strap yourself in, cause it’s squiggle brows! 
What are squiggle brows you may ask? Well the whole trend started earlier this year with Youtube beauty star Promise Tamang-Phan (pictured above) when she posted a photo on her Instagram with her eyebrows in the unique shape. As it turns out, she drew her inspiration from a photo that she had seen were a woman had photoshopped her eyebrow to make it look wavy. Promise took this and made it a reality! When asked why she would want to try such a… bizarre look, Promise told the Huffington Post “I am always experimenting and trying different makeup looks on my social pages. It was done for fun to show my followers something new.”

But wait! Social media isn’t stopping there. Some are taking it so far as to draw their lips on that way. What!?
If you want to try the look for yourself, there are plenty of websites online that are posting how to do it. But be warned, it involves gluing down your eyebrows which does not sound particularly present. See below for a link to the instructions.

Before you leave, feel free to leave a comment and tell us how you feel about this interesting trend. 

Written by Mitchell Clifford of Rebecca Adele PR & Events

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