Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Has Social Media Gone Too Far with Location Sharing?

Snapchat has recently come out with an update that automatically shares your location to your entire list of friends. It is only once you go into your settings and set your profile to “ghost mode” that you are hidden from being seen. Many are concerned that this feature could be potentially dangerous due to over sharing.

This update takes creepy to a whole new level. It will even show your “bitmoji” or your avatar in the car if you’re driving, or with headphones if you are listening to music off of your phone. It also includes street names on the map and locates you in the specific area of whatever building you may be in.

Updates on various apps including location settings and features such as check-ins call for a constant reminder to always be selective and smart about how much information you put out there about yourself. Many people of all ages are guilty of over sharing information on various platforms or social media.
Although Snapchat’s new location feature only allows Snapchat friends to see your whereabouts, it’s always smart to be aware of who you are adding as friends, and that if you choose to keep this feature turned on that all of those people can watch where you go at the swipe of a finger!

If you don’t like being watched but are unaware of how to turn this location feature off, follow these quick instructions!
1.     Open up the Snapchat app
2.     Use 2 fingers in a pinching motion to swipe open the map
3.     Tap the bar next to “Ghost Mode” to turn it on

Lastly, if you want to customize which friends can see your location with this feature, you can go into settings and handpick the 

Written by Meagan Catalfmao of Rebecca Adele PR & Events

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