Thursday, May 14, 2020

Graduating in Quarantine? How to make the most of virtual commencement!

As the month of May is quickly passing through, so are graduations! While this years' ceremonies and commencements are a little different than usual, it's easy to create a lasting memory for the senior in your life.
An easy way to celebrate with close friends and loved ones is a zoom commencement! Similar to Facetime, Zoom allows you to easily add friends and family to a chat room.  So why not add the whole class of 2020? Although seniors may not be able to walk across the stage, they can walk across their family room with all their friends cheering along side them.  A graduation ceremony memory to last a lifetime. 
As for grad parties, although there won't be a house full of classmates, you can still celebrate all the hard work your senior had done throughout the years with just a few easy steps.  The first and most important thing are decorations! Simple streamers, balloons and table cloths in your dining room can make the space memorable and fun.  For dinner, support local small business by ordering catering for the whole family. 
Besides a virtual commencement and a family sized grad party, there are still more fun ways to honor your grad.  Memory boards are an easy surprise to add to the celebration.  Pick out some of your grads' favorite memories from over the years, certificates of accomplishment, and whatever art work or other achievements your grad has done over their educational years.  

Coming from a family who has a graduating senior, my mom and I teamed up and tried something special for her.  We sent out a questionnaire to our friends and family asking 1. Your favorite memory you share with Grace (my sister) and 2. Any graduation wishes or life advice you wish to impart on the graduate? These were included with self addressed envelopes which we put together in a book with her graduation picture on the front.  Simple ideas can make a huge impact and lasting memory on the graduate, and they can keep them forever! 


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