Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Activities to Replace Summer 2020 Cancelled Events

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you Covid-19, you make many adjustments in your life to help flatten the curve. Many of these adjustments include our upcoming summer 2020 plans including concerts, sports games, vacations, festivals, parades, and more. So how can you make the most out of summer, while the stay at home order and CDC guidelines are still in place? Here are some of my favorite at home activities that you can do just about anywhere, while maintaining a safe distance.

First, I am pretty sure we have all been doing this already, but streaming devices have been my life. When the weather is less than appealing, I hunker down in my comfy chair and blankets, and I watch shows and movies until I get hungry or tired. When this gets tiring or old, I grab a good book. Many authors have been releasing books, or when in doubt read an old classic. Stephanie Meyer is releasing a new book from Edward's perspective for all the millennials out there. 
Concerts have been cancelled or rescheduled due to the virus, but do not fret. Some artists have been performing on Instagram Live or through Zoom meetings with their band. Taylor Swift's Live from Paris concert will be uploaded to Hulu and Disney+ for our at home concert series. 

When the weather cooperates, sunbathing outside or taking a nap in my hammock are my go tos. Hey, why not watch one of those concerts while outside? It may not be the festival atmosphere you're use to, but it's still a good way to unwind!
Our favorite sports teams are starting their seasons back up, and although we cannot be in the stands, we can cheer from our family rooms while eating the same junk food snacks that cost an arm and a leg at a ballpark. No one will give you looks for cheering too loudly or giving your opinion to the referee who doesn't seem to listen to you.
A few more activities might include painting, coloring, puzzling, organizing everything, four-wheeling, socially distant hikes or picnics with friends, or playing Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch. 

Whichever you choose to do, this summer might not be as we planned, but we can still make the best of it in the current situation. Hopefully some of these ideas inspire you to try something new or start something old. 


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