Monday, December 17, 2012

Planning the Perfect Christmas Party!

It’s that time of year…Christmas! So get ready, trim the tree, hang the stockings with care, and most importantly…plan a Christmas party! Most people think that planning a huge Christmas party is filled with nothing but stress. And yes, sometimes they are, BUT the holidays are meant to be a joyful time with family and friends. So stop stressing about making your party the best one yet, and focus on making it something you are going to enjoy.

Need a little help along the way? Here are some of our favorite tips to plan the perfect party!

Location, Location, Location
First thing first- location, location, location!! Where is the perfect place to throw the holiday party of the season? You could always rent out a location, but that typically costs a fortune this time of year and you don’t always get the option to personalize the venue with your decor. Home is a great option; I mean you are already paying for it right? Take advantage of your space, and get creative!
A Little Christmas Feel
Now that you’ve decided where you are going to have the party, you now need to figure out how you are going to decorate. Most people think that tinsel and twinkle lights are all that you need, and yes they do help the ambiance, but that just won't fly if you want a memorable party. What about a DIY wall tree? This gives the feel of a Christmas tree without the worry of space limitations and people knocking ornaments off the real one in the other room. Other decoration ideas, use ornaments! Try tying them by ribbons and hanging them in lines around the house. As a finishing touch, use those beloved twinkle lights and put them around a circle chandler to make it look extra special. See, we're "twinkling" outside of the box. (Had to put that pun in there!)
How To Set Your Table
You worked your tail off to make delicious food (or at least worked hard when dialing up the caterers), so you should show it off! Some simple ideas will bring out the holiday cheer and make your table spread beautiful and inviting to guests. A simple white napkin can be the beginning to a gorgeous silverware wrap. Wrap the white napkin around your silverware and tie with a thin red ribbon and finish off by tucking in a bit of fresh greenery. This simple combination will be sure to “spruce” up your table. Greet your guests with a personalized Christmas bulb at their place setting. Ornaments can be purchased in bulk. Prior to the party, use a pretty paint marker to handwrite each of your guest’s names. Tie each bulb with a loop of pretty holiday ribbon, and place it at their seat. These bulbs are also multifunctional. Not only will they mark your guest’s place, but they also brighten up the table and serve as a party favor that your guest can use on their own tree.
Yummies Make The Party 
Christmas dinner has come to be a tradition as is ham and turkey for most. If this is something that everyone enjoys in your home and has come to expect, stick with what you know. Now dessert, that's a whole other game. Here is where we recommend you have some fun. A cute easy idea is donut polar bears. Go out and buy power sugar donuts and donut holes, stick the pieces together with tooth picks as paws with black food coloring, add white chocolate ears, a chocolate nose, and a fruit roll up scarf. Lastly, while everyone is sitting and talking after dinner, give them a little extra something by setting up a hot chocolate bar. It will be cute and both kids and adults will enjoy it.

Holiday Fun for Kids
All the presents are unwrapped and the chocolate desserts are gone. What to do when the kids start getting cabin fever from being cooped up in the house? Simple, play some games, create some crafts and make some memories!
Build A Tree
This friendly competition only requires 15 green plastic cups, one red plastic cup and a flat surface. Each child starts with the cups all in a stack. When the time begins they must build a Christmas tree and top it with the red cup. The person that is able to build the tree and keep it upright is the winner of the round. The winner of each round continues to play until everyone has had a turn. 
Cookie Decorating
Everyone loves a sweet treat! Using premade sugar cookies set up a decorating station for the kids to show their creativity. By providing tubes of icing, sprinkles and colored sugar you will set the children up to make their own sweet treat and have some fun while they are decorating their cookies.
Sweet Take Home Treats
Every great party, needs a party favor! Set up a small table by the exit that can become the “to-go” cocoa station with each ingredient labeled and ready to be scooped. Simple use a label on each ingredient with its name and amount needed.
  •   Provide each of your guests with a quart jar. (These can be purchases in bulk with lids).
  • 1 cup powdered milk, 1 cup unsweetened coca powder, and 1 cup granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ cup of miniature chocolate chips, and ½ cup of peppermint candy.
  •  Place a large sign printed on holiday paper that provides your guest with directions.
  • Layer the powdered milk, cocoa powder, sugar, salt, chocolate chips, and peppermint candy.
  •  On the back of each quart jar press a printed label with instructions on how to make the perfect cup of hot cocoa. “Mix contents in a large bowl. For each serving, place 1/3 cup coca mix in a mug and stir in 1 cup of boiling water. Store remaining mix in an airtight container.

Fashion Forward
Obviously you can’t possibly forget about what you are going to wear. I mean you are going to be the center of attention at your party right? Here are a few festive fashion options! You can always go with the traditional red dress that features the classic look but why not spice it up with a red sequined dress? Or you may be thinking this is a Christmas party everyone will be wearing red, so try a flashy sequined gold dress pair with red high heels. Or if you're really pushing us... red just isn’t your color. Ok, so go with black tights and back heels! No matter what you decide, we are sure you will look fabulous! 

Lastly, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself. Beyond the food, fashion and decor, this holiday and time of year is all about friends and family. Be sure when you're throwing the party of the year, to remember why you are all together. Enjoy yourself and one another. Celebrate in good health and happiness! We hope you have a very happy holiday and an equally merry Christmas!