Thursday, August 11, 2016

My Reflection on Summer 2016 at Rebecca Adele PR & Events

I can’t believe another summer has flown by! It feels like yesterday I was just leaving school and getting ready to start an internship for the very first time. Before I left for school I was interviewing for internships left and right, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon an advertisement for Rebecca Adele PR & Events, that I knew I had to have this one. I was so excited when Becki reached out to me asking to interview. After the interview, and finding out I got the job, I was so ecstatic!

I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous before starting my internship at Rebecca Adele PR & Events. I did not know what to expect or what every day would look like. As soon as I walked into the office, the cutest pets, whom I have grown to love, welcomed me. We got to work right away, which was exciting because I have learned so much the past few months. I have learned everything from social media plans, to press releases and how to plan events.
As a writer, event planner, and PR specialist, this internship has helped me build a portfolio I can take with me for years to come. Becki is one of the most hardworking, passionate, and motivated people I have ever met. She knows so much about the field and is always willing to help you grow. I am so lucky to have worked along side with her this summer, and watch her build her company even more.
This internship has helped me establish that I am ready to be in the PR world. I have definitely chosen the right career path for me. I am excited to head back to Ohio University this fall with all the knowledge I have gained from this experience. However I will miss Becki and the team at Rebecca Adele PR & Events. Thank you Becki for an amazing summer internship!

Written by Lexie Gomez at Rebecca Adele PR & Events

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reflecting on My Summer at Rebecca Adele PR & Events

As my time as a summer intern for Rebecca PR & Events comes to a close, I have a lot to be thankful for and reflect on. I’ve had experience writing and using social media, but I’ve never used these skills in the platform I’ve been able to during my time here.

When I first applied for this internship, I had no idea what was in store for me; I just knew it felt like the perfect fit. Turns out, I was right! This experience has provided me with the knowledge and skills I need to be successful in my future career. Not only have I learned new skills and improved the ones I already had, but it’s been a reassuring experience for me. I always knew I loved the public relations field, but looking back on my time here and everything I’ve done, I know for certain that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I have Becki to thank for that.

From creating blog posts to social media plans to working the events throughout the summer, not a second of it was mundane or boring. I’ve had the opportunity at this internship to do more than just sit in an office day-in and day-out and wait for my dismissal. I looked forward to my work day and the conversation and friendships I’ve built with Becki and Lexie, the other intern.

Normally, I would be very sad to leave this internship forever. However, I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked to stay on with Rebecca Adele PR & Events and continue my internship experience virtually for the upcoming fall semester. Being the last semester of my college career, I know the continuation of this internship will keep my skills sharp and keep me focused and ready when a full-time career opportunity arises.

I couldn’t have asked for a better internship and I can’t think of another way I would have rather spent my summer than here at Rebecca Adele PR & Events!

Written by Shaylee Dillen of Rebecca Adele PR & Events

Monday, August 1, 2016

My Summer at Rebecca Adele PR & Events

I can’t believe my internship at Rebecca PR & Events is coming to an end! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was walking into Becki’s colorful and fun office, being greeted by several cats and her beloved pup, Google.

I looked forward to the 45-minute drive to Solon every Monday and Wednesday because our workdays were upbeat and fun, filled with music, talking and the exchange of ideas. While I did have some experience in social media, I have never done any public relations or event planning. However, Becki made it easy to learn and explained everything I needed to know, while still giving me some room to be creative and think for myself.
My day-to-day tasks included writing blogs and press releases, producing and scheduling social media posts, and marketing for upcoming shows for Avant-Garde and Bump to Bows Shows! Working in a fast paced environment has definitely helped me to work harder and be more efficient and creative in my writing. Being able to see my work being used online was rewarding and made me confident that the work I was doing was relevant and important.
Working with Becki was such a rewarding and fun experience. She was constantly giving feedback and helping me to learn from my mistakes, which is what I was looking for in an internship. Hearing her success story about how she was able to get where she is today was very inspiring, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work for such a successful and experienced woman.  One of the most important things that she taught me is that you can do anything you want as long as you work for it and to not let anyone get in the way of your goals. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Becki is very lucky because her kind and hard-working attitude is inspiring and surely motivating. I am so very appreciative for my experience at Rebecca Adele PR & Events and will use what I have learned for my future career in public relations!

Written by Caitlin Homcy of Rebecca Adele PR & Events