Thursday, May 9, 2013

From Graduate Student to PR Professional: The Internship That Took Me From Where I Was To Where I Am

Written by Sydney Arnett 

It seems like just yesterday that I was planning my perfect outfit the night before my first day as an intern at Rebecca Adele PR & Events…all bright-eyed and eager to learn the ins-and-outs of the PR industry. Now, as my internship is coming to an end, I am sad to be leaving Rebecca Adele, but thankful to be moving forward with insight, knowledge, memories, life-long friendships, and a strong foundation from which I can continue to build my career.
As I look back, it’s remarkable to think how much I've grown, both personally and professionally, during my time at Rebecca Adele. To be honest, I didn’t always know what I wanted to be when I grew up. For a while it was a veterinarian, then an actress, then a plastic surgeon, maybe even an interior designer, or perhaps the general manager of a hotel. Even as a graduate student, six months ago if you would have asked me what I wanted to do with my life, I probably wouldn’t have been able to give you a confident answer. But thanks to this internship, and the help of my boss, Becki, that is no longer the case.
During my internship at Rebecca Adele I was given the guidance, experiences, and tools to develop as a public relations professional. From writing press releases, to creating social media plans, to participating in client meetings, I did it all. And I worked side by side with my boss, who mentored me, and showed me first hand what it’s like to run a PR agency—something most interns are not likely to experience.

Today, I can say with absolute certainty that public relations is the career field for me. I may not know where I’ll end up, or in what city, but I do know that I am passionate about public relations, and excited to continue on with my career and help clients share their stories and grow their brands.

So, yes, I’ve certainly learned a lot over the past few months. And, as I reflect on my time as an intern, there are certain things I have learned that I will take with me forever.

1.   Relationships are everything—oh, and so is your attitude. Building and maintaining relationships in PR (or life) is crucial. And the quickest way to make or break a relationship? Your attitude—so keep it positive!    
2.   It’s about quality, not quantity. It’s better to have a few of the best people than a lot that are just okay. We have a small group of employees here at Rebecca Adele, but boy do we produce the results of a large-scale agency.
3.   You can never know everything about the PR industry, but you should certainly try. So read, research, and stay on top of the constantly evolving world of PR and its technologies.
4.   The best things happen when you step (or get shoved) out of your comfort zone.
5.   Social media is important, like, SUPER important. It’s easy to think that you know everything there is to know about social media, or think that anyone can do it and be good at it. But actually quite the contrary is true. So if you want to be invaluable to a company, know your social media.
6.   You’ve got to be “on” 24/7…so you better love your job. The PR world never stops, so it will make your life a whole lot more enjoyable if you are passionate about your work.
7.   When in doubt, ask. It’s good to be curious about the world around you, and asking questions is one of the best ways to learn. Be a sponge and soak up as much knowledge, insight, and information as you possibly can.
8.   Capitalize on your strengths. There are so many facets of PR, and it’s impossible to be great at every one of them. That’s okay though. Find one, two, or even three things that you are really good at, and do them better than anyone else. And in your down time (well, lets face it, you’re in PR so you probably don’t have any) work on improving your other skills.
9.   People will surprise you. People are more willing to help than you would think…you just have to ask. I’ve witnessed this several times during my internship at Rebecca Adele, and over and over I’ve been delighted to see how genuinely happy people are to help out a young professional. I admit, it can be intimidating sometimes to ask for help or advice, but it’s worth it. (And remember to ALWAYS thank the people who do offer you their help!).
10. Work hard play hard. PR is a highly demanding, high energy, fast-paced industry. It takes hard work to be successful and a lot of hours and dedication. But the harder you work, the closer you get and the more fun you have with the team of people around you!
Thanks Becki, for not only being a great boss, helpful co-worker, my personal networking guru, but also a wonderful friend. I couldn’t have asked for a better foundation and start to my career than with Rebecca Adele PR & Events.

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